Lead Researcher

Dr. Liliana Perez - Associate Professor  CV

 Postdoctoral Fellow, UVic, (2011-2013)       Postdoctoral Fellow, UBC (2011-2012)
 Ph.D in Geography, SFU, (2011)
 M.Sc in Geography, UPTC, (2003)
 B.Eng in Geodesy and Cadastre, UD, (2000)

Research assistant

Yenny Cuellar, M. Sc - CV

M.Sc in Geography, University of Montreal, (2023) B.Eng in Geodesy and Cadastre, UD, (2018)

Postdoctoral Fellows

Saeed Harati, Ph.D - CV

Project: Towards Representation of Collective Memory: A Holonic Multi-Agent System

Graduate Students


Miki Dagnino, Ph.D Student - CV

Project: Applying a modeling and spatial analysis approach to the study of socio-ecological adaptation projects in Montréal

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Andrea Lousada, Ph.D Candidate - CV

Project: Development of an intelligent decision support system for water resource management


Navid Mahdizadeh Gharakhanlou, Ph.D candidate - CV

Project: Machine Learning and Complex Systems Science to Model and Assess Crop Yields and Beehive Mortality Rate In Response to Environmental Conditions and Agricultural Management Practices


Bastien Boucherat, Ph.D student - CV

Projet: Modeling of soil microbial communities and their role in building fertility


Julien Vadnais, master candidate - CV

Project: Applications of GeoAI to analyze the effects of landscape on beehives’ health


María Isabel Camacho Sánchez, master student - CV

Project: Global assessment of flood susceptibility and its various impacts according to the geographical location of the event

Amélie Dechelette - student, master's degree in geography with internship – CV


Samuel Seuru, Ph.D (2023) - Project: Agent-based modelling of hunter-gatherer subsistence strategies during Upper Palaeolithic in the Iberian Peninsula - CV. Co-directed with: Ariane Burke

Hao Chu, visiting student (2023) - Project : Evacuation simulation and emergency management analysis of urban community in micro scale - CV

Yenny Cuellar,  M.Sc (2023) - Project: Modeling, simulation and spatial dynamics analysis in urban wetlands by cellular automata: a case study for the city of Bogota in Colombia - CV

Yilmar Andrés Lavalle Molano - M.Sc (2023) - Project: Application de l’article 31.7.1 de la Loi sur la qualité de l’environnement (chapitre Q-2) visant à soustraire en tout ou en partie un projet de la procédure d’évaluation et d’examen des impacts sur l’environnement en cas de sinistreCV

Saeed Harati, Ph.D (2022) - Project: Towards Simulating the Emergence of Environmentally Responsible Behavior Among Natural Resource Users: An Integration of Complex Systems Theory, Machine Learning and Geographic Information Science - CV

Simon Demers, M.Sc (2022) - Project: Spatial models of abundance and habitat preferences of Peale's dolphin in southern Patagonian waters - CV

Jeffrey Katan, M.Sc (2022). Project: The prevalence of complexity in flammable ecosystems and the application of complex systems theory to the simulation of fire spread - CV

Jean-Maxime Noiseux - M.Sc (2021). Project: Development and implementation of a GIS decision support tool for emergency management in Nunavut and NunavikCV

Mikael Poli - M.Sc (2021). Project: Impacts of the installation of the REM station (Réseau Express Métropolitain) on the city of Pointe-Claire's environment, more precisely near the future stationCV

Etienne Taschereau - Graduate diploma in Geography and Environmental Studies (2021). Project: Human settlements and migrations during the Paleoindian period: the case of the Ste-Anne-des-Monts region, Haute-Gaspésie RCM

Phillipe Gauvin-Bourdon, M.Sc (2020). Project: Modeling dynamics between vegetation and sediment transport in arid and semi-arid lands: an expansion of the Vista model for anthropized environments - CV

Jennifer Sauri Ramirez, M.Sc (2020). Project: Modeling the effect of climate change on the phenological synchronization between a defoliator and its host: an agent-based approach - CV

Carmen Florina Mot,  M.Sc (2019). Project: Applied geomatics to study the spatial distribution of the Emerald Ash Borer in the city of Montreal

Yannick Sotum, M.Sc (2019). Project: Optimization of spatial data update within the Department of Operations, Support and Planning of the City of Montreal - CV

Pierre-Philippe Vézina, M.Sc (2019). Project:  Methodological guide for creating the database for the STRAPI (Système de gestion des TRAversées Piétonnes aux Intersections - Management System for Pedestrian Crossings at Intersections) project - CV

Lorenzo Quesada, Ph.D (2019). Project: Analysis and characterization of the illegall landfill's location in Canary Islands - CV

Tracy-Ann Hyman, Ph.D (2018). Project: A Spatially Explicit and Dynamic Approach  to Flood Risk Management using Agent Based Models, in South-East Westmoreland Jamaica - CV

Mariana Tiné, M.Sc (2018). Project: Using a cellular automata model to study the drivers of open wetlands changes in the Abitibi-Témiscamingue region, Québec, CanadaCV

Guillaume Arnoux Hébert , M.Sc (2016). Project: An Agent-Based Model to Identify Migration Pathways of Refugees: The Case of Syria - CV

Paula Kardozo - Graduate diploma in Geography and Environmental Studies (2016). Project: The GIS as a decision-making tool for new immigrants in Montreal - CV

Jonathan Gaudreau, M.Sc (2015). Project: Modélisation de répartition d’espèces aviaires et de feux en forêt boréale du Québec dans un contexte de changement climatique  - CV